Titanfall (32bit and 64bit executables, defaults to 64bit on 64bit OS).Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition (uses xinput9_1_0.dll and xinput1_3.dll).Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition (uses xinput9_1_0.dll) (64bit only).Rusty Hearts (uses xinput9_1_0.dll and xinput1_3.dll).Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 (uses xinput1_1.dll).Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 4.Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3.
Outlast (32bit and 64bit executables, defaults to 64bit on 64bit OS). Need For Speed 16 (uses xinput9_1_0.dll) (64bit only) (requires clearing all the Dinput mapped buttons). Mortal Kombat X (uses xinput9_1_0.dll) (64bit only). LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game. LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures. Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light(uses xinput9_1_0.dll). Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition. Hitman: Absolution (uses xinput9_1_0.dll). Guacamelee! Gold Edition (uses xinput9_1_0.dll). Grand Theft Auto IV (If using Type 2 rumble, increase motor duration to 500). FIFA 15 (uses xinput9_1_0.dll) (32bit and 64bit executables, always uses 64bit on 64bit OS). Farcry 3 (If using Type 2 rumble, increase motor duration to 500). Elite: Dangerous (uses xinput9_1_0.dll) (32bit and 64bit executables). Dragon Age: Inquisition (uses xinput9_1_0.dll) (64bit only). Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition (may need dinput8.dll with DSFIX). Dark Souls II: SCHOLAR OF THE FIRST SIN (64bit only). Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Ultimate Edition. Capsized (If using Type 2 rumble, increase motor duration to 500). Call of Duty Advanced Warfare (64bit only). Batman Arkham City (uses xinput9_1_0.dll). Assassin's Creed: Revelations (uses xinput9_1_0.dll for multiplayer). Assassin's Creed: IV Black Flag (uses xinput9_1_0.dll for multiplayer). Assassin's Creed: III (uses xinput9_1_0.dll for multiplayer). Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (uses xinput9_1_0.dll for multiplayer). Alone in the dark (2008) (uses xinput1_1.dll). This is the new system utilised by r574+ Hookmask Not Required
Blazing Angels 2 Secret Missions of WWII.Tomb Raider - Underworld (uses xinput9_1_0.dll).Tomb Raider - Legend (uses xinput9_1_0.dll).Tomb Raider - Anniversary (uses xinput9_1_0.dll).Deus Ex Human Revolution (uses xinput9_1_0.dll).Items in these lists are in need of testing with the new hookmask system (DO NOT ADD TO THE HOOK MODE SECTIONS) Normal Mode To update the gdb, save this page over the top of your gdb HookMode
Notice: Games listed here do not necessarily reflect the games included in the GDB included in the lib download.